Did you know 40% of businesses have experienced an interruption in the last five years?

Safeguard yourself from cyberattacks, supply chain or telecommunications failure, power loss, theft, natural disasters and even viral outbreaks – with this easy-to-use, cloud-based platform.

The importance of having an Emergency, business continuity plan in place – for SMEs.

Gain a greater understanding of the importance of a business having a plan and being able to recover as quickly as possible, from an event.

Why preparation is everything for your business.

When it comes to successfully getting to grips with a cyberattack, dealing with loss of telecommunications or power, a supply chain failure or coping with a natural disaster, prevention is everything. Business continuity software is a simple, affordable and effective way to build capability across your entire organisation, de-risking your business and helping you to recover faster.

What happens when disaster strikes? Would your customers’ data be protected? How should your business best prepare? Our platform enables you to answers these questions and develop your own business continuity plan. No need to hire a consultant or spend large sums. Instead, ResilienceTec’s cloud-based software will support your business throughout its entire life cycle to build your own emergency response plan from the ground up.

In just four hours (that’s the length of just two coffee meetings), ResilienceTec will have your business planned and protected.

The reason business continuity planning is so important? Good planning enables you to think about chaos and disruption and create a plan of action that eliminates the panic.

Once set up, the technology does all the heavy lifting, delivering a flexible planning tool that moves with your business, offering the support and certainty of a long-term plan and ongoing customer support. It’s also really easy to update and lets your team know exactly what to do before, during, and after a crisis. All your mission-critical information, contacts and recovery plans will be safely stored in the cloud to be accessed anytime, from anywhere.

Secure your business. Recover faster… whatever the disaster.

ResilienceTec software delivers:

Business continuity
Minimise the impact of business interruption, damage, down time and loss of income.

Emergency planning
Protect your business with our proven emergency response and disaster recovery planner.

Risk mitigation
Manage business risk – plan ahead for any cyberattack, threat, or natural disaster.

Meeting quality standards, industry, contractual or legal requirements. Manage your liability.

By choosing ResilienceTec, you’ll be putting our years of leadership and expertise to work on your business.

Build your business continuity plan online to prepare you for all these threats:



Human error

Natural disaster

Phone failure


Power loss

Storm damage


Viral outbreak

How does it work?
Find out how one easy online platform will help you de-risk and recover faster.

What will I get?
The nuts and bolts on what you get to secure your business – with one affordable annual subscription.

Become a partner
Help your clients add a lifetime of value and peace-of-mind protection to improve your resilience.

Sign up now
Book a free 15 min chat to learn more – or to protect your business right away.

Interested? Let’s get in touch!

Start building your personalised business continuity plan, mitigate risk and protect your business and your employees for any emergency or crisis situation.

What people say
The tool is brilliant and easy to use. It has really brought to light the absolute necessity of having an emergency recovery system in place. I should have done this a long time ago.
Tania Iskra The Clinic Altona, VIC, Australia
When I saw ResilienceTec I knew that it was an essential tool for our business to use. I have found ResilienceTec easy to use and it allows me to customise the plan specifically for my business. This was also helped by the support that the tool gave me, it was like having an expert at my fingertips. I would recommend ResilienceTec to all businesses.
Amanda Heyward Business Manager, A1 Automotive, Auckland, New Zealand

Join thousands of partners and businesses choosing our proven business continuity planner to secure your business and recover faster.

This Queensland-based medical practice was without power for a week and water for two days when Cyclone Debbie hit. Find out how their emergency response plan helped them get back up and running and continues to give them the peace of mind of being prepared.

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